Mole removal

Does mole removal leave a scar?

Mole removal can leave a scar, although the extent of the scarring will depend on the size and location of the mole, as well as the method used to remove it. Some mole removal techniques are more likely to result in scarring than others. For example, surgical excision, which involves cutting out the mole and closing the wound with sutures, often results in a noticeable scar. On the other hand, techniques such as laser or radiofrequency ablation, which destroy the mole without cutting the skin, typically result in less scarring.

All mole removal procedures leave a scar. It is important to keep in mind that scarring is a normal part of the healing process after any injury to the skin. Most scars will fade over time and become less noticeable.

There are several factors that can influence the likelihood of scarring after mole removal, including the size and location of the mole, the method used to remove it, and the individual's skin type and healing process. Factors that increase the risk of scarring include:

  • the amount of skin stretching during the wound healing process
  • the colour of the skin (darker skin tends to scar more)
  • the age of the patient (younger skin tends to scar more than older skin)
  • the mole removal technique

In general, surgical excision is more likely to result in scarring than other techniques, especially for larger moles. This is because the procedure involves cutting out the mole, pulling the edges of the wound together, and securing with stitches. If the wound is large or if it is on a part of the body which stretches frequently (especially the back or chest), there is a higher risk of scarring.

There is usually less risk of scarring with radiofrequency surgery for raised moles and laser ablation for flat moles.

Lower-scarring techniques for mole removal are not covered by Medicare. The cost of mole removal in Australia may be influenced by the technique used, the number of treatments required, the size of the mole and the location on the body, as well as other factors.

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