Valerie Tra

Bachelor of Nursing (RMIT)
Diploma of Beauty Therapy (Victoria Polytechnic)

Registered nurse

Valerie, a Registered Nurse who graduated from RMIT University in 2018, has always had a keen interest in medical and aesthetic skin conditions.

Her dedication to this field has driven her to continually expand her knowledge and expertise in skin health, encompassing both cosmetic and medical treatments for various skin types and concerns.

At Spot Check Clinic, Valerie excels in tailoring and personalising treatment plans for long-term results, utilizing advanced technologies such as laser and intense pulsed light. She places a strong emphasis on patient education, ensuring that individuals are well-informed and supported throughout their journey at the clinic.

Valerie thrives in a collaborative team environment, providing patient-centered care through services such as skin checks, treatments, and home care advice. She finds great satisfaction in performing laser and intense pulsed light treatments to address concerns like pigmentation and vascularity, and is rewarded when patients return, delighted by the improvements in their skin health and appearance.


Areas of interest

BBL treatments
Laser skin treatments


Bachelor of Nursing (RMIT)

Diploma of Beauty Therapy (Victoria Polytechnic)


Skin science course

Skin cancer screening course (HealthCert)

Introduction to Skin Cancer course  (Skin Cancer College Australasia)

Broadband Light training

Laser Safety Officer Course

Fotona Starwalker Theory and Practical Training Program: Dermatology & Aesthetics

Dysport and Botox anti-wrinkle training – upper face

Level up your skin health

Know more about your skin health and how it can be improved with our range of skin cancer checks and aesthetic treatments.

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