How long does mole mapping take?
Explore more FAQsMole mapping can take 20-50 minutes, depending on whether it’s your first session or a follow-up and how many moles you have.
Reduce your skin cancer risk
The mole mapping process involves taking a series of 28-30 photographs of your body. The first time takes about 20 minutes. With follow-up visits, 20 minutes are spent retaking photos and then approximately 20-30 minutes are spent while the software analyses both sets of photos. The nurse or doctor validates changes detected by the software and takes individual dermoscopic photos of any moles or other lesions of interest.
If you have many moles, the process takes longer.

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More information about mole mapping and skin checks
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Our doctors and nurses have qualifications and extensive experience in managing skin cancer and skin conditions, and advising on and administering aesthetic treatments.