Reduce your risk

The best-known and most effective way of reducing your risk of skin cancer is to minimise unnecessary exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Ultraviolet radiation and the UV index


Vitamin B3 and skin cancer risk

Enable early diagnosis

The main way a skin cancer check reduces the risk of serious skin cancers is by finding and enabling treatment of early skin cancers. But many skin cancers are detected by the patient or their family member/friend. You get maximum protection by having a skin cancer check performed professionally, and checking your own skin.

How to check your own skin

Photographing your own moles and skin lesions

Children and skin checks

Improve your skin health

Treating areas of sun damaged skin may help reduce the risk of future non-melanoma skin cancers, as well as improving skin appearance.

How your lifestyle affects your skin

Treatments for sun-damaged and ageing skin

Minimising scarring after surgical procedures

After your skin check

It's reassuring to have your skin checked, especially if no suspicious spots are discovered. But the risk of skin cancer continues after your visit.

After your skin check: what next?

News and blog articles about skin cancer prevention and skin health